© 2022 – J C, An Anonymous CFO. All rights reserved*
“Oil” has found itself under the heel of vindictive globalists who stridently insist that the world is on the verge of an extinction-level event, a "climaticlysm", if you will. For them, a measured response is simply out of the question; it's much too late for anything other than a radical redirecting of policies and behaviors – a resetting of the global trajectory. Fortunately, history breeds cynics, and cynics recognize that power, wealth, and control provide compelling motivations to skew, warp, and suppress data – to lie. Thus, one can be forgiven for suspecting ulterior motives. My background, in part, is in Physics; I trust the scientific process, but have little faith in the character of Man, "good political intentions" and, in this case, the proclaimed "science". So now, the rational sector would like to offer the following prescription: nix the blueprint for the destruction (and humbling) of the U.S. and other prosperous nations – the punitive leveling of "playing fields"– and deselect the plan's architects, the big-picture illuminati who can’t see the trees for the forest. Mute the voices incessantly shrieking "CLIMATE CHANGE!" as if the Apocalypse were due the Tuesday after next. Panic is a lead-footed driver with no sense of direction, and it goes without saying, feigned panic to manipulate "unenlightened" masses is morally repugnant. In the United States, increase our fossil fuel production until we’ve, once again, reached a point of self-sufficiency; i.e., until we've regained our energy independence. Then, institute a policy of inverse reciprocity, where the gains made in “green energy” production are offset by commensurate reductions in the production of fossil fuels. In so doing, we can maintain the balance necessary to ensure both our energy independence and our security, while intelligently advancing toward that most noble globalist vision of averting "The Climaticlysm". Lastly and above all else, attempt honesty!
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