Saturday, April 28, 2018

Freedom of the Press

© 2018 – J C, An Anonymous CFO. All rights reserved*

It has been reported that the U.S. news media - "the press" - have blamed President Donald Trump for the diminishment of their freedom. I would posit, however, that the U.S. press is not less free, not the pitiable victim of our truth-averse president; it is incarcerated, bounded by its own biases, purposes, and allegiances. It has become pathological in its vindictiveness, obsessive in its single-minded pursuit of an objective; namely the destruction of "THE ACCIDENTAL PRESIDENT". Its peripheral vision has blackened through atrophy and its movements are so conjoined as to appear orchestrated. The American press myopically perceives and bemoans a freedom fading in a barrage of "withering criticism" leveled by a crass and belligerent president, while it misses what is, in essence, a prison of its own making: nonobjectivity.